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Sensorial: Five Fun Facts

Sensorial is a unique area of study in Montessori.  While it is true that it involves the sense...

Montessori Theory

Getting Started

Exploring Georgia O'Keeffe

For those who are unaware, we are part of a classical education based program called Classical Conve...


Classical Conversations

12 Months of Montessori

Sensorial:  Five Fun Facts

Sensorial: Five Fun Facts

Sensorial is a unique area of study in Montessori.  While it is true that it involves the senses, there are a number of fun facts about sens...
Edible Botany

Edible Botany

While we often stress the importance of eating our fruits and vegetables, how often do we ask our children to eat their roots and stems? Lea...
Mini Grammar Environments

Mini Grammar Environments

If there's one thing all my children love, it's miniatures.  As a result, our collection of Toobs continues to grow.  I began to won...
Shapes of Geography

Shapes of Geography

One of the aspects I adore about Montessori is the focus on geography and culture.  By exploring geography, we are far better equipped to un...
Exploring Georgia O'Keeffe

Exploring Georgia O'Keeffe

For those who are unaware, we are part of a classical education based program called Classical Conversations.  It's something we use in ...
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