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School Update - Week of 9/3

Given the holiday, we did not have school on Monday.  This also marked our first Classical Conversations community meeting.  I've already posted about our adventurous first day.  I will post on how integrating the two in the classroom is working out later this week.

Here are some highlights from last week:

I finished the ecology shelves just in time.  The top contains biome sorting, animal camouflage, food chains and plant vs. animal.  The middle shelf contains biome 3 part cards, biome information cards and how animals adapt in winter.  Most of the cards are from the Classical Conversations Cycle 2 Bundle from Montessori Print Shop.

This is our tri fold board for Classical Conversations.  We use it to review our weekly work.

Elora is reviewing her continents and oceans as we sing our song.

Practicing tying bows.  Once she has it with the jump rope we'll move to the practice shoe.

William is matching dinosaur friends.

Since we are studying biomes this week, I made biome cards for sorting.

Elora is sorting various animal miniatures.

William is reviewing the blue number book.

He decided to sort all four blocks at once.

Elora used a dice to exchange unit beads for ten bars.  Once she had 10 ten bars, she exchanged for a hundred square.

William's math skills have exploded.  He not only worked the spindle box by himself but he understands how to error check correctly.

Elora is matching words to pictures.

Reviewing sight words together.

A new dinosaur pre-writing dry erase set.

Working on history statement copy work.

He can't follow the patterns yet but he still loves to put all the buttons in.

William is working on numerous visual discrimination activities.  Here he is matching objects to their shadows.

Matching a magnified portion of an object to the object itself.

Counters!  He doesn't line them up correctly yet but he can lay out the proper quantities.

Sandpaper numbers in the sand tray.

I asked Elora to trace three different shapes from the metal inserts.  She turned  it into a delightful scene.

"a" box - Matching words to objects.

"e" box - Matching words to objects.

Three part cards of woodland animals.

The little guy wanted to try the pink tower.  I started by laying out the largest five cubes.  He didn't like that idea and quickly brought the top five cubes over as well.

He needed some assistance but I was surprised at how well he did ordering the cubes.

And yes, some cubes were thrown.  I don't want you to think that everything goes perfect.

Spelling "a" words.

Here's to another completed week!

And don't forget to join us at Montessori Homeschooling!  Our community continues to grow.
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