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Toddler Time in the Classroom: 21-22 Months Old

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While the little guy is a constant figure during school time, I rarely focus on what his days are like.  For the most part, I don't have a formal plan for him.  I put a few things out and see what works.  I keep a number of toddler works out on a desk to I can quickly readjust.  I'll admit that I don't really follow a formal Montessori scope and sequence at the infant/toddler level anymore.  I simply look for primary readiness and address it then.  And yes, he does frequently take an interest in the primary materials... for better or worse.

Here are a few of the activities I've found him routinely engaged in lately.  He is in the 21-22 month age range.

He loves this easy to use dropper.  This set is from the Primary Science Set.

He has taken a big interest in the geometric cabinet.  This is the demonstration tray.  He will carry this from the shelf on his own.

This is the circle drawer from the geometric cabinet.

I always intended to purchase a toddler coin bank but this slotted toy simulates it well enough.

While sensory bins aren't technically Montessori based, I still like to occasionally put items in there for pouring and scooping to help contain the mess.

And this is why I don't put things in the bin very often.

The object permanence box has been popular with all three of my children.  Here he decided to take the balls from his one-to-one correspondence work and see if they would all fit in the permanence box.

Yes, every last one of us still loves the singing marble tree.

He enjoys pouring water with these small metal creamers.  In fact, he often starts asking for water as soon as we enter the room.

He's hit or miss at cleaning up spills.  He also likes to eat the sponges.

Sometimes he gets a little bored when we review our Classical Conversations material, not that I require him to sit there.

He still demands his turn to point at the review work.

He's very sorry for coloring all over the table.

I know it's hard to tell from this photo but that is a set of real insects in acrylic.  He loves carrying them around and asking me about them.

He took this dropper activity off the practical life shelves when I wasn't looking.  I was amazed at how well he did.  He had carefully observed the older two and knew every step.  This is a wonderful example of how important a mixed age classroom is.

Here is holding a hand crank music box.  This is highly recommended.  It took him months to figure our how to turn it to get the music to play.  He never gave up and would practice for extended periods of time.

He recently figured out how to pull the caps off markers.  His entire world has broadened.

Sometimes his insertion upon a primary lesson isn't particularly helpful.  At the same time, he could clearly articulate lake and island and was worlds more interested than William was.

Lockelan likes to draw on William's work plan.  Elora drew a work plan for him so he would have his own to color on.  And yes, he still has pacifiers hidden in the room that occasionally make it past mom.

But then, something else will probably go in his mouth.  Here he has his beloved Russian nesting dolls.

He decided to take the large beads out of the sorting tray and see if they would roll down the marble tree.  It was actually a brilliant work given that some beads were spheres while others were non-rolling shapes like cubes.

Here he is comparing what worked and what got stuck on the way down.

This is another set of materials from the Primary Science Lab.  Here he is using a funnel, flask and beaker to pour water.  I have it sitting inside a deep tray because I know how water works generally end up with a toddler.

Resetting the work.

He then decided that he was ready to try pouring without the funnel.  This process went on for some time.

He is not ready to match the patterns on this button art activity but he still enjoys snapping buttons on every hole.

And yes, he has discovered the pink tower.  I tried giving him the first five, which is typical in the infant range.  He insisted on using all ten.

At the moment, he simply stacks them.

He did indicate that he wanted my involvement so we build the tower in order together.

And what block session would be complete without the ceremonial throwing of the pieces.  We're still working on respecting the materials.

I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into the world of my budding toddler.

And don't forget... It isn't too late to join our Montessori Book Club as we delve into The Absorbent Mind!
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