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Summer Update

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If there's one thing I've learned about life it's that nothing ever goes as planned.  We've been quite busy.  The good news is that everyone's health is doing well.  Our house, on the other hand, has taken quite a beating.  We were hit with a hail and wind storm that left us with a leaking roof.  Insurance is replacing it along with siding, shutters, screens, gutters and our mailbox.  We had barely started the paperwork when lightening struck with enough force to shatter outlet covers.  We lost a myriad of things, including our water heater, a TV, home phone, every cable box and a handful of computer equipment.  To keep it exciting, our dryer died for good last week.  Since my husband recently started a new job that has kept him quite busy, that left me to sort it all out.  At the end of the day I can't complain because nearly everything has been replaced with something newer and shinier.  Honestly, I'm grateful our home didn't burn down.

The older two are loving the Montessori summer program they are attending, as usual.  I can't believe it's almost over!  Generally I use that time to organize the house and prep for the upcoming school year.  This time around I found myself calling contractors and arranging for deliveries.  And yes, I'm trying not to panic, but it's hard because panicking is my specialty.  I have managed to line up some extracurricular activites for next year.  The older two start karate next week.  We are also planning to join a local American Heritage Girls troop and a Trail Life troop.  Imagine my joy when I found they met at the same time, at the same place AND I can bring my toddler.

And speaking of scouting...  we took our first family camping trip last month.  It was great!  I think we've found our niche.  The kids adore hiking, and we found two geocaches!

So on to the interesting stuff...

I recently wrote a guest post for Confessions of a Montessori Mom.  I feel honored to have this opportunity.  I wrote about the three part card folders I make for our classroom.

I have also continued my Montessori column for Practical Homeschooling magazine.  I talk about sensorial materials in the latest issue.  There is still time to get a copy.
I apologize for being silent here, but as you can see, my hands have been a bit full.  As I've mentioned before, I'm a hobbyist blogger.  I simply love to share our journey and encourage others.  When life gets interesting, I can't always be as consistent as I would like.

With that said, I do have a handful of topics planned for the near future.  Here are a few you can look forward to:

  • The Pros and Cons of a Separate Classroom
  • In Defense of the Child and What's a Parent to Do? (mystery topics)
  • The Montessori Scope and Sequence
  • Our New Method of Tracking Montessori Progress
  • Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Planning
  • Transitioning from Primary to Elementary Montessori
  • Art 4 Montessori Program Review
  • How Montessori and Classical Education Are Similar
  • Our Alphabet Activity Mat

Is there anything on the list you're excited to read about?  Are there any other topics you'd like me to consider?  Leave a comment.  I'd love to hear from you!

And don't forget to join us at Montessori Homeschooling.  We have a large and active community of individuals striving to use the Montessori Methodology as a form of home education.

Join me on my Facebook page as well.

Wishing you a lovely summer!

Since you made it this far, I'll leave you with a few pictures of our recent camping trip.

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