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First Dance Competition

I'm cheating a bit this week and starting with memories from last Thursday.  If you recall, Matt was given a surprise two days off work for completing a large project.  We went to the local Children's Museum.  

Below you will notice something in the monitor (as well as as William's head in the corner).  What could it be?

It's me... wearing Lockelan of course.

Here is the youngest of our clan riding round with me in the Sleepy Wrap.  I have come to adore baby wearing.  Not only does it keep my hands free, it allows him to experience life with me.  He loves taking in the sights and sounds.  He is also free to sleep as he needs to.  I simply tuck his head is into the side.  In case you are in the market for a wrap I highly recommend the Sleepy Wrap.  Unlike most wraps on the market it contains a small amount of spandex for a bit of stretch.  I have tried the 100% cotton wraps and could never get them snug enough.  As a bonus you do not have to guess on how much extra fabric to leave for the baby.  Just tie it snug and it will stretch as needed.  And in case you're confused, the Sleepy Wrap is now known as the Boba Wrap.  It's the exact same thing, just a different name.

Our Children's Museum has a fantastic carousel.  Even better... it's free to ride for members.  We always have to make a stop before we go.  It rates higher than ice cream from the food court.

Elora is excited because she's old enough to ride the ones that go up and down.

William still has to ride on stationary animals but he still loves it.  And yes, that's my handsome man.

Elora had her first dance competition this past weekend.  The opportunity came out of the blue since her studio has never taken the preschool class before.  She enjoys performing but they were only given 3 weeks to learn the routine.  We practiced every day but I think it stressed her out a bit.  This was a local "everyone wins" competition.  As a former dance instructor I've always been on the fence in regards to competitions.  This experience only compounded my thought process.  I don't regret allowing her to do it but I have a lot to sort out.  Maybe I'll discuss it in a future Thoughtful Thursday post.

And yes, she did extremely well given then she never once tried the routine without help.  He group was given a second which doesn't mean that they came in second.  Placement was tied to their overall score so there were lots of groups that got second.

We had a fantastic weekend with family in town.  It even allowed Matt and I to have some much needed time out for ourselves.  On Sunday we went out to eat.  The experience was harrowing.  Lockelan not only soiled his outfit but he promptly soiled the wrap I tucked him in (naked) since I had failed to pack a change of clothes.  Fortunately we were close to home and Matt was able to run home for more clothes.  Of course, this made the whole ordeal last longer than a 2 year old and 4 year old can handle.  I wanted to share all those details in case anyone was foolish enough to think we have it all under control.

And what do you do when you need to buy time?  Order ice cream!

Elora enjoyed playing with the busy wallet I made her for Valentine's Day.  I'm so excited it's a hit.

This is a pretty bad picture but here's the little guy.  His head control is amazing.  He started rolling from back to front this week.  He seems too young to be rolling all over the place but that's where he is.

And here's another picture to prove that life isn't perfect here.  This is what happened when I took too much time tending to Lockelan.

This was my favorite creation.

Elora is continuing to prove that Montessori is everywhere.  Should found one of Lockelan's sleepers and proceeded to snap ever snap.  It was impressive because I can never seem to properly line up the snaps when I'm dressing him.

And finally... dance class was especially exciting today since their ballet costumes came in.

And that wraps our week.  There was not one, not two, but three exceptionally excited things that happened this past week... none of which I can share yet.  I hope your week was exciting as well.
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